Cancellation / Broken Appointment Policy
One of our goals at Cox Dentistry is to help you achieve and maintain a healthy and attractive smile. You, the patient, are responsible for a large part of this goal. It can be achieved only if you do your part in caring for your oral health.
By scheduling regular dental visits, at least twice a year, can help prevent most dental health issues before they cause discomfort or require more comprehensive or expensive treatment.
Appointments will be scheduled for you to help optimize your dental health. If you are unable to keep an appointment, we ask that you kindly provide us with at least 48 hours notice. We respect your valuable time, and insist on running our office on schedule with very short wait times. We ask for your advance notice of any scheduling change so that we may offer this appointment to another patient in need of our services.
We do understand that emergencies occur and will try to be understanding when this happens. However, if cancellations or broken appointments seem to be a pattern, there will be a fee charged and advanced payment will be required for your next scheduled appointment.
Premium appointment times, such as 8:am or 4:pm will not be given to any patient who has cancelled or changed these appointments more than twice in any given year.
Again, we respect you valuable time, please give us the same consideration of respect.
Thank you.